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Guys, we’ve got another weird food trend going popular. Ever wished to see your food in the middle of the night without turning on the light? Well now you can! The tops of these donuts have an added night light so you can munch away without the guilt of staring at a donut. Just remember the crumbs might not all glow too, so you’ll have to clean them up in the morning.
Do you even?
These ‘glonuts’ have been crafted by an Australian bakery called Black Star Pastry and do look delish. The glow has been added to the glaze through a safe product base using vitamin B. So don’t worry your insides won’t glow!
This odd trend has even spread outside of your local bakery. Some Disney theme parks are serving candy floss with a glowing inside. People have also been sharing recipes for different fluorescent foods and products on Pinterest. So, your Mum or your hipster friend will already know all about this.
It definitely won’t enter the Michelin starred world of food and will probably end up like every internet encouraged trend. Dead and buried within a few weeks usually (although fidget spinners have lasted an unusually long time…).
Anyway, of course it will be a great addition to kid’s parties. It will probably also look good adorning many an Instagram feed. Keep up all the good work guys!