Image via ShockMansion
Check out this deathly compilation of Skateboarders bombing massive hills and taking biblical slams!
I flinched so many times watching this video, looking at the falls these skateboarders endured I’m surprised they haven’t got brain damage? A majority of them aren’t even wearing helmets!
Skatehub released the 9-minute compilation below showcasing some of the most immense falls and hill bombs skateboarders could endure and its worth a watch.
It’s dedicated to the fearless skateboarders who go down the most massive hills they can find! Where there can only be one outcome; either you make it to the bottom with a huge smile on your face or you wipeout!
Some falls are insane, some so flinchingly painful, and others just plain ridiculous.
There is one hilarious one where a group of skateboarders literally knock each other down like dominos, but I will leave that to you to watch below.
Speaking of downhill skateboarding, check out Noah Fischer, a pro in the art, maybe he’s taken some tumbles like this himself?