Gabrielle Piece, a student at Xavier University in Louisiana, was set to graduate this year. However, the chance of having a graduation was taken away due to the Corona-virus. Every student in their last year of university has experienced this, hoping to experience the memories that graduation brings only to find that it has been cancelled.
Gabrielle was meant to be on that stage too, collecting her diploma in Biology with pre-medicine. She had worked so hard on this degree, only to be left in tears at the thought that she would never be able to celebrate. She expressed this to her local news station when stating that “I can’t believe this is happening after waiting for so long. I deserve to walk.”.
Her devastation at this left her Dad, Terrence Burson, had a wonderful idea. He would hold a beautiful graduation on his driveway, to congratulate his daughter for the degree she deserves. Then began his six week-long plan to hold a home graduation.
Burson started by calling around to find a stage, backdrop and most importantly, a photographer for the event. He stated that Gabriella didn’t suspect a thing, so it was going to be a wonderful surprise. He enlisted the help of guest speakers, Gabriella’s aunt and pastor, to talk about her during the graduation.
Her Dad was so proud: “To see my baby walk across the stage and all her friends, family, neighbors and people that we don’t even know stopped in the street to witness this. I couldn’t ask for anything better.”.
Gabrielle expressed that she “couldn’t ask for anything better” than this wonderful, at home graduation. Terrence’s hard work payed off, leaving her feeling satisfied and grateful. The event was worthy of congratulating Gabrielle and sending her off into her future of becoming an epidemiologist.
For more news on social distancing, read this article about this Priest, who squirted holy water from a toy gun.