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An ‘Epic’ New Theme Park is Coming to Universal Orlando Resort in 2025 

More than 60 years after Universal Studios debuted their tram tour, construction begins for a 750-acre mega park.

Conceptual images have now been released. Credit: Universal Epic Universe.

Universal’s already gigantic Orlando Resort will now feature a fourth theme park: Epic Universe. Set around the green-felted gardens of Celestial Park, Epic Universe will teleport visitors to Super Nintendo World, the Ministry of Magic, Dark Universe and the Isle of Berk. 50+ themed attractions and amenities will be scattered across the Universe – not to mention a 62mph dual launch roller coaster. 

‘Epic is the future meeting the present,’ comments Facility Design Director Gabriela Lander. ‘We’ll have a park where we’ll be able to walk through nature and be guided by the stars, surrounded by iconic elements that materialize dreams into immersive worlds of epic stories, and with a level of technology that will take the experience to a new level.’ 

Celestial Park is, so far, the only section of Epic Universe with publicly announced attractions. According to the Universal Orlando Resort website, the area will ‘put the “park” back in “theme park”.’ Sweetshops, sit-down restaurants and amusements will nestle amongst blooms, streams, promenades and even 135ft luminous fountains. Confirmed Celestial Park rides include the 62mph Starfall Racers coaster, Constellation Carousel and Astronomica wet-play area. Extra entertainment, like fountain shows and musical performances, will also be aplenty. 

Cosmic gateway to the other worlds, Celestial Park, will contain portals to the Ministry of Magic, the Isle of Berk, Super Nintendo World and Dark Universe – each entrance engraved with a fitting quote. Judging by the conceptual drawings, Universal’s mammoth portals may put The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe to shame. 

Universal fans are swooning over the conceptual artwork for Epic Universe
Universal fans are swooning over the conceptual artwork for Epic Universe. Credit: X/ The Krystal Palace.

Epic Universe’s Wizarding World of Harry Potter promises to ‘blend 1920s wizarding Paris from Warner Bros. Pictures’ Fantastic Beasts films with the iconic British Ministry of Magic from the Harry Potter series.’ 

Universal Orlando Resort already boasts two Harry-Potter-themed lands: Hogsmeade and Diagon Alley. Since 2016, guests have been able to board the Hogwarts Express, journey through Gringotts and soar through the Forbidden Forest on Hagrid’s motorcycle. TripAdvisor reviews sing praise about the Leaky Cauldron’s butter beer and cottage pie. ‘Out of this MUGGLE world!!,’ exclaims Kat from Chicago. 

The Epic Universe Super Nintendo World has been hotly anticipated following the success of Mario-themed parks in Hollywood and Osaka, Japan. ‘Guests will enter the iconic green pipe and discover a new way to play,’ taunts the Universal Orlando website. ‘Step into the worlds of beloved characters like Mario, Luigi, Princess Peach and Donkey Kong.’ TikToks from Japan’s Super Nintendo World show Mario go-karts, piranha plants, Yoshi chow mein buns and punchable question boxes. 

Dark Universe will pick up from Universal’s annual Halloween Horror Night tradition by conjuring up a year-round ‘shadowy landscape where monsters roam in a world of myth and mystery.’ Dr. Victoria Frankenstein is set to rule the roost. Little is known about Dark Universe’s decor but, one would assume, there will be plenty of screams. 

Inspired by the DreamWorks How to Train Your Dragon series, the Isle of Berk will be a colorful Viking matrix. Visitors can ride Toothless, Stormfly, Hookfang and Co. into the blue skies of the dragon-themed universe – and maybe pick up some merchandise. 

Three superlunary residences, Stella Nova, Terra Luna and the Helios Grand Hotel, will provide ‘casual, elegant Mediterranean-inspired’ accommodation. Their 2,000 rooms are already available to book for January 2025. 

A current 3-park explorer ticket to Universal Orlando Resort costs over £300. A standard room at Terra Luna starts at £106. 

The Universal Helios Grand Hotel lies within Celestial Park.
The Universal Helios Grand Hotel lies within Celestial Park. Credit: Universal Epic Universe.

As beady-eyed spectators (and drone users) have noted, work is well underway for the supersized theme park. An elder wand statue now stands tall. So too does a Jolly Roger, soaring from the scaffolding surrounding Mount Beanpole at the new Super Nintendo World. Yoshi has even, according to one X-user, been ‘spotted in the wild.’ 

The 750-acre Epic Universe will be 15 minutes south of Universal Orlando Resort’s pre-existing theme parks, Universal Studios Florida and Islands of Adventure. Rumour has it that the site is just the start of an entire ‘South Campus’ for the resort. 

Other current Universal Studios ventures include Universal Kids Resort in Fresco, Texas and Universal Horror Unleashed in Las Vegas, Nevada. Universal Destinations and Experiences also made headlines for purchasing 480 acres of land near Bedford, England. Though planning for a UK-based theme park remains in the early stages, domains ‘’ and ‘’ are allegedly nabbed by NBCUniversal.  

Written By

Penultimate-year undergraduate at the University of St Andrews, studying MA English and Modern History

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