TikTok is everywhere, in just about everything we talk about these days. From new music to recipes to the latest viral videos of new dance moves and everything in between, the question ‘have you seen that one TikTok?’ is a frequently asked question. No matter your age, you’re either on TikTok or you know what it is. Millennials especially can’t go too long without going on and see what they’ve missed…in the last few seconds.
TikTok is also where people come up with new words, whether they’re really words or not. The latest word to come from TikTok is cheugy (pronounced chew-gee) and this is for Millennials who “didn’t exist and are trying too hard in their videos” (ladbible.com 1). Gaby Rasson, a 23-year-old software developer from Los Angeles is responsible for creating this word and bringing it into our lives. Rasson believes this was the best possible way to describe those who are not quite on-trend with everyone else.
Where Has Cheugy Been Our Whole Lives?
You Can Make Money From Being On TikTok
Cheugy does not just mean that you are not quite in with what’s trending, it can also mean that something you think is cool may not be trending now but could be again in the future. Such a complex word with a pretty well-rounded meaning. So I guess the good news is whatever you like or are into is not trending right now, give it a few days or maybe even hours and you could be trending again. With how fast everything moves and changes, anything seems possible.
Click here to read about another viral TikTok: how to escaped being strangled in a car!