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New Years Goals Everyone Can Achieve

Four easy goals for 2020.

Image via Pexels | Gerd Altmann

Like it or not, New Year is often associated with making resolutions. Oftentimes people’s main resolutions are fitness and health-related, but that is so done. It has been reported that many people who set New Year’s resolutions often fail at those goals by January 17! Does this mean you should give up your goal to lose those last ten pounds? Absolutely not! But there could be other ways to help you achieve that goal.

GQ has put out a list of resolution ideas that are manageable and may be easy to stick to. There are six items on their list, from Social Media to Mind — all great ideas when looking to make better habits. It got us thinking about what four things could we focus on in the new year? What goals sound daunting, but will actually be easy to do if we stick to them?

Image via Unsplash| Diego PH


Changing your diet can be an overwhelming idea at first. But changing your diet to create a healthier You might not be as hard as you are thinking. This past year, I tried the online program Noom. While it ultimately wasn’t the right program for me, it did help me see how changing just one thing on your plate can create something good. Instead of choosing bread as a side with your pasta, choose broccoli. Instead of buying chips to snack on, buy apples! Little changes that will help you, in the long run, are key to this New Years Resolution. Read more information on noom at mercurynews.

Image via Unsplash | OLA Mishchenko


Now, this one could be a tricky one for a lot of people. In the age where technology has taken over the majority of our daily lives, it is crucial to rest and recharge. The National Sleep Foundation has a handy list of 11 ways to achieve better sleep and YES, you will need to avoid your phone before bed. Your bedroom should be used for sleep or sex and not much else… sounds like a good goal for the new year would be to banish the TV from your bedroom!

image via Unsplash | Matthew T Radar – Ditch that screen before bed!


This sound suspiciously like exercise, doesn’t it? Will, to be fair, it is a sneaky way to do exercise. My Fitness Pal has 7 tips to help you get fit by just walking! The main goal for walking is to just get out there and walk more — there are a lot of suggestion by My Fitness Pal to add this or that to your walks, but we suggest just actually walking first. Start with 20 minute walks, park further away from the door of the shop you are going to or take the stairs (yes, really!). Small changes to your everyday behavior and no stress if you don’t make that 20 minute walk.   

Get out and spend time with your best friend! Image via Unsplash | Matt Bradford-Aunger

Be Kind

This one does sound rather touchy-feely but bear with us for a few. According to Random Acts of Kindness, people who practice being kind are happier, less anxious, and more likely to be charitable. So how does one practice kindness? Luckily, RAoK has lists of ideas on how to practice kindness — you can peep some ideas here. Some of our favorites include planting a tree, praising a local business on Google and watering your plants. All things are achievable and rather easy, you just have to start.

Image via Random Acts of Kindness

From all of us at Trill! we wish you and your family a safe, healthy, and kind 2020. Let us know in the comments what easy goals you are going to achieve this year.

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