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Victoria Beckham To Sue Restaurant For Outrageous Ad

Too far?

Too far?

There’s been some distasteful advertising out there, and you’d think that people would learn by now what’s appropriate. Well, guess not. Take a look at this ad featuring fashion icon Victoria Beckham, where this pizza place took creative liberty way too far.

The Sidhu Golden Fish and Chips in Battle Hill posted the ad on the back of their delivery van. As you can see, it depicts Beckham with an anorexic, practically emaciated figure, comparing her to the thinness of their pizza crust. A closer look even has Beckham wearing a sash that reads “Anorexic Fashion Icon.” Um. Okay, then. Who greenlit this, seriously?

It’s no wonder the ad poster got immediate backlash. A spokesperson for Victoria Beckham said:

It is highly inappropriate to trivialise such a disorder, and defamatory to be so thoughtless with a person’s reputation in this way, therefore we are taking legal advice.

You’d think that’d be the end of it, but then the owner made this statement:

As the manager and on the behalf of all our staff and owners I would like to state we recognise how serious eating disorders are and would never make light the seriousness of people with eating disorders.

We would like our customers and all people in general to take our advertising in context.

We are not a fly by night business trying to make a quick buck.

Anorexia and any mental illness are very serious.

Looks like they’re defending their actions, then. Fabulous. The advertisement absolutely trivializes anorexia. It’s a little difficult to believe that it does anything other than that. Marg Oaten, of the anorexia charity Seed, even then said that the ad is a “step in the wrong direction.”

Beckham’s legal team will be looking into the issue, and I think it’s safe to say that Sidhu Golden Fish and Chips’ days are numbered.

Okay but seriously, though, who thought that that ad was a good idea? Seriously?!

Wanna read more? Then check out The Number Of Instagram Followers You Have Can Help You Get Rich!

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