Japan is a country filled with beautiful scenery, a gentle atmosphere and ancient architecture. Her culture is rich and traditional. But dig a little deeper and you’ll find that the people of Japan can be plain weird.
The Japanese opened the world’s first cuddle cafe. Yes, they really do sell hugs; no, they’re not cheap.
They advanced further than most when it comes to sex robots, with some unique individuals taking dolls for wives, and they opened the first restaurant with cats. What’s the latest craze in Japan? I hear you ask.
Chocolate curry.
I’m aware that as well as chocolate, the curry powder itself includes banana puree, onions and spices. Mmm…I can taste the stark contrasting flavours already. Sweet decadence.
Is it the strangest thing to come out of the country in 2016? Probably not. It’s been advised as a fun purchase for Valentine’s Day but, I’d have to say this little gift could very easily become a curse. Don”t be expecting to get your knickers in a twist with this. Spice up your love-life in the right way. Say no to chocolate curry.
For more strange Japanese projects, take a look at these commercials here.