The Gateway Show is a comedy show where comedians perform two sets. They’re sober during the first set, then get super high during intermission, and come back for a second set. Most people do weed during the intermission, but this comedian, Mike Masilotti, decided to do a handful of shrooms. Then, he regretted it.
He does his best to tell some jokes and be professional, but he can barely put a coherent string of sentences together. Eventually, after a couple of minutes, he starts begging for the show to be over. He only makes it a little over 4 and a half minutes before someone lets him come down off the stage. He still has to deal with being ridiculously high, though.
A couple of quotes from this trainwreck:
- “This is the worst”
- “How close to ending is this?”
- “I just realized I’m like on stage in front of people.”
- “Has it really [only been two and a half minutes]?”
- “I’m gonna go be high outside instead.”
Turns out, it’s hard to be a comedian when you’re tripping balls.
You can watch the video here:
If you want to see another drug trip, then you should watch this woman try shrooms for the first time.