Despite the recent failure of their new animated films, Wednesday proved that the Addams Family can still spook people into watching. The show has recently made its way to Netflix, and it’s become a hit.
The show has skyrocketed in popularity as time has gone on, and it’s not terribly hard to see why. It has a phenomenal cast, a stellar soundtrack, and even Tim Burton directing the project. The project became a hit, but it did something that not many shows can. The show became a pop culture phenomenon that social media can’t stop talking about.
Why is social media obsessed with Wednesday?
Wednesday has a quality that most successful shows and movies have, a distinct style. Tim Burton directs the show and it feels like it. It has a very gothic style and a great soundtrack by the legendary Danny Elfman. The show isn’t afraid to get weird and embraces that fully. However, while all that is well and good, it’s not the main reason the show caught on. The show caught on due to how memorable some of the scenes are. The show has many iconic scenes that have spread through social media like wildfire. The most iconic one that most people have seen is probably the dance scene with Wednesday. She does a dance that can only really be described as, kooky. To see what I mean, check out the dance scene that Netflix uploaded themselves!
It’s easily what put the show in the minds of the public and is a perfect representation of what the show is at its core.
What made Wednesday stick around in people’s heads?
Wednesday didn’t just catch on because it had an iconic dance, it caught on because it amalgamated multiple tropes and executed them well, and she herself is the definition of doom and gloom. While some characters in modern pop culture struggle with having a consistent personality, Wednesday is anything but. She only wears black, she loves death, and she can’t stand the social gateways. While this personality can get irritating in other shows, what helps is the other characters around her. Her roommate Enid is a great example. She is the total opposite of Wednesday. Where Wednesday is a raincloud, Enid is a sunny day. She is positive and dresses akin to a strawberry shortcake character. The other characters, while not as outlandish as Wednesday or Enid, also have a consistent style and personality that helps them stand out.
What is the show at its core?
The show, at its core, is a murder mystery featuring a cast of fantastical teenagers that are trying to figure themselves out. It literally takes place at a school for outcasts, so it’s not much of a shock that Wednesday has caught on so much to those who also feel different from everyone else. The show has a lot of standard teenage issues. It has boy problems, and who’s dating who, it feels like a CW show slammed together with Edward Scissorhands. So, while it may not be everyone’s cup of tea, it still shines as a great new entry into the Addams Family franchise. In a way, it’s just like Wednesday, not for everyone, but still unforgettably distinct.
If you want to read what we know about season 2, check out this article!