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Action Movies are Back in 2024!

2024 has seen a great range of action films released in theaters, here are the best so far!

Boy Kills World, Monkey Man, and The Fall Guy

There has been an exciting amount of action films released this year. From the zany Boy Kills World to the gritty Monkey Man, the action genre is making a comeback. Over time, action films have become oversaturated, with a mass of grey-looking, repetitive, and boring action films being pumped out by action stars of yesteryear, and for who? I’m sure I don’t know. It’s been refreshing to see very off-beat, odd, and hilarious offerings from these films that have made action movies fun again.

Monkey Man

Monkey Man
Dev Patel wears the Monkey Mask. Credit: Youtube/Universal Pictures

Monkey Man has been compared to the John Wick series again and again, with some even deeming it the “Indian John Wick”. This is distasteful. Keanu Reeves couldn’t bring a fraction of the emotion that Dev Patel brings to his role in Monkey Man. The beauty of this film is that Patel made the thing, through and through. Written by, directed by, and starring the talented actor-turned-director, it’s clear that this is Patel’s vision. While the story is a classic revenge tale (as are most action films), it has what most revenge sagas don’t: wit and heart. The stakes are emotional, and every now and then Patel surprises you with a great piece of slapstick comedy. The action is more than exciting, with a range of well shot sequences that really scratch that bloody-action-movie itch. Patel has done one better than the John Wick films.

Boy Kills World

Boy Kills World
Boy gains a Knuckle-Gun. Credit: Youtube/Roadside Attractions

And now for something completely different! Bill Skarsgard must have been tired of speaking roles. In Boy Kills World he plays a young man who’s tongue was cut out, leaving him mute. Of course, he must get revenge on those who did this! A silent protagonist in an action film? Have no fear, for none other than H. Jon Benjamin, famous voice of Bob (Bob’s Burgers), and Archer (Archer), plays the voice in Boy’s head. Based on this description alone, it goes to show you how insane this film is, and it, is, bonkers! Skarsgard delivers a very physical performance, and adapts greatly to the comedic tone of the film, miming his emotions hilariously along the way. It’s a no-holds-barred splatter fest of fun, with actors playing goofy caricatures, accompanied by a wonderfully whimsical score, and of course, loads of fake blood.

Civil War

Civil War
Jin Ha aims in Civil War. Credit: IMDb

Alex Garland’s Civil War is one of my favorite films of 2024. Not everyone agrees of course, and, rather ironically, this movie has sparked a lot of controversy. Some people don’t like it because it’s “not political enough”, while I’ve heard others complain about the “lack of action”. This is preposterous. What’s smart about this film is that the main characters are not actively participating, but rather observing the action. We follow a group of photo-journalists who are following the war that has broken out across the states in the near future. This film takes its action very seriously, and while it may not be action-packed, Garland has created a tense and heart-stopping film that pierces through human emotion with devastating sequences of action.


Abigail Slaying
Abigail attacks Kathryn Newton. Credit: Youtube/Universal Pictures

When dealing with a plot as ridiculous as a group of criminals babysitting a Vampire Ballerina, you have to make sure it works. Thanks to the stellar cast and the duo directors it works, and it works well. Going into Abigail, I expected a lot of campy horror vibes, and that’s there for sure! What I wasn’t expecting a surprising amount of nifty action sequences, as well as probably the most fake blood used in a movie since Kill Bill. Directors Tyler Gillet and Matt Bettinelli-Olpin bring a range of action, laughs, and over the top gore to the screen, and it’s a delight. The story is surprisingly unpredictable, with a lot of fun twists and turns, keeping the momentum that the action brings flying through the run time. To put it bluntly: Abigail kicks ass.

The Fall Guy

The Fall Guy
Ryan Gosling hangin’ out in The Fall Guy. Credit: Youtube/Universal Pictures

Last, but absolutely not least, is the summer blockbuster we Gos-Fans have been waiting for. With a fantastic soundtrack of classic rock, a beautiful cast, and terrific action, this one is a winner. Made by stuntmen for everybody, The Fall Guy takes the classic Rom-Com story and wraps it up in an enthralling, film-based, action/thriller. Ryan Gosling and Emily Blunt play the director/stuntman couple to a Tee, with Aaron Taylor-Johnson also playing great as the obnoxiously over the top movie star. With fist-fights, gun-fights, and car and boat chases to boot, it may seem like this one is strictly “for the boys”. Wrong-O! This movie has so much heart it almost made me cry, so bring a date to this one! Action, Comedy, Love and Karaoke is on the menu.

Written By

Senior studying Cinema Studies and English at Rutgers University. Writer and Director of several short films. Screenwriter, Journalist, Film Nerd.

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