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Daredevil James Kingston climbs atop the 68-storey Almas Tower in Dubai and slides down the metal roof of the building to the very edge.
Everything seems fine until James and his friend actually start sliding. Then it gets terrifying. This video is certainly not for the faint of heart:
You can hear James saying: ‘This is amazing. If this was wet…’ Then they climb up again and talk about their experience while casually eating Mentos. The true legends of our time.
Heights would drive James crazy. But since he overcame his fears, free climbing -or urban exploration as he calls it- has become his life. Like Last year when he managed to dodge a security team and ‘freeclimb’ up the Eiffel Tower. He describes free climbing as an exhilarating and enlightening experience:
There are many times in life when your brain restricts you. I knew deep down that it was safe and I just had to get control over my body and my brain. In a way, beating the instincts of my brain is what I live for. I used to be completely terrified of heights, but the more you do something, the easier it gets. It’s simple human nature.
Just keep climbing James!