Cumbria Police share a compilation video on Twitter showing reckless and dangerous driving.
Dashcam footage showing bad driving has become quite an unlikely popular video genre on platforms such as TikTok. Many people take it upon themselves to criticise others driving, or argue over who was actually in the wrong, referencing the highway code or what they learnt in their own driving lessons.
So Cumbria Police have made their own compilation video that they shared on Twitter in an attempt to showcase some examples of dangerous driving and to highlight the importance of road safety.
The video shows a number of reckless moves, from drivers on the wrong side of the road, to speeding through red lights, and simply just not paying enough attention looking at their phone instead of the road.
The video is accompanied by a caption which reads; “We want to make Cumbria’s roads safer by educating road users to try and change behaviour and prosecuting those that takes risks.”
National Statistics show that in the year ending June 2021 there were an estimated 1390 reported road deaths. Despite this statistic showing a decrease by 11 percent compared to the year before, ending June 2020, it still highlights just how dangerous and often times fatal reckless driving can be.
Cumbria Police have urged people to submit footage of reckless driving or anything else they are concerned about seeing on the roads via their website. Residents in other areas can also make reports by contacting their local police department.
Hopefully if this compilation video and the fear of an accident doesn’t scare people into driving more carefully, the fear of getting caught and your footage being thrown to the wolves of TikTok will.