In a hilarious viral video, Nick Lutsko seeks to attack the right-wing news source Fox News by compiling a set of clips from famous Fox News reporters. The video is intended to capture the silliness and duality of many of the claims made by this famous television channel.
Nick Lutsko, a songwriter, producer, and performer from Chattanooga, Tennessee is known for his satirical songwriting and videos which entertain his audience while delivering stringent political messages.
The video uses a moniker, coined by Donald Trump himself, ‘Fake News’ in the place of ‘Fox News’ throughout the song in order to promote his belief that the republican-conceived term ‘Fake News’ can be used more accurately to describe the name-callers than the branded left wing.
The video also gets its song lyrics from specific true quotes spoken by Fox News anchors on air. Compiling the clips together in one video, the viewer is given a clear view of the absurd headlines and claims having been made on this ‘Fake News’ channel.
The tune is clever and catchy and has been written in the energetic and snappy style characteristic of an 80’s pop hit. The purpose of this stylistic choice is to solidify the fact that whether his viewers agree with the satire or not, they won’t be able to help bopping along to the song nor will they be able to shake it from their heads.
In time for the 2020 election, Lutsko makes a firm and unapologetic political statement with his humorous ‘Fake News’ song. Whether you are looking a laugh or a pointed satire, check out Nick Lutsko’s youtube channel to watch the ‘Fox News as an ’80’s Power-pop song’ video as well as lots more comedic politically-charged content now!