For most of us, the current pandemic is unprecedented by anything in living memory. And all of us— leaders and citizens alike— are thus improvising protocol for how to behave and function in this strange, COVID-19 ridden world.
Clearly, it is okay to make mistakes sometimes, even in this trying time. But it is imperative to pay attention to current events, news, and stories of others as instruction for how to behave at a time like the present.
One tragic yet important story is that of Thomas Macias, a 51-year-old man from California. Recently, as a man with diabetes, he had been taking all necessary precautions— avoiding public spaces, and wearing a mask when this was impossible.
But Macias broke lockdown to go to a party— with a fellow attendee who happened to be an asymptomatic carrier of COVID-19. Unfortunately, he contracted the virus and passed away soon after.
Macias even posted a warning on social media for others to learn from his example.
“Because of my stupidity I put my mom and sisters and my family’s health in jeopardy. This has been a very painful experience. This is no joke. If you have to go out wear a mask and practice social distancing. Don’t be a f***ing idiot like me,” the Facebook post read.
Many of us are lacking in social interaction right now, and this kind of temptation to break quarantine guidelines is one that a vast majority of us have considered. Resultantly, stories like that of Macias are nothing to shame— however, we would be doing him a severe injustice if we did not learn from his experience.
This sad situation should be the sign that stops those considering throwing a party right now. Until the numbers drastically lower or we get a vaccine, gatherings like parties just are not worth the risk.
Read about one creative method a restaurant is using to try to enforce social distancing while still remaining in business here.