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Nicole Kidman Gets The Meme Treatment At This Year’s Oscars

It seems poor Nicole can’t ever avoid becoming a meme…

Tinseltown / Shutterstock

Every Oscars award show brings the internet a new meme. After this year’s (very eventful) broadcast, Nicole Kidman has become the newest addition to the tradition.

The 94th Academy Awards was held on Monday the 28th of March and saw CODA take home Best Picture. It also—as these kinds of events always seem to do—brought a bunch of drama to entertain the internet.

Most notably, the most talked-about moment of the night, when Will Smith got up on stage and slapped Chris Rock. This buzz moment has become a meme in itself, but the one currently taking social media by storm is courtesy of Nicole Kidman.

Kidman is no stranger to getting the meme treatment. In fact, at an earlier Oscars, she became meme culture’s new darling after seemingly not knowing how to clap like a regular person.

What meme has Nicole Kidman become this time?

This year’s meme consists of a photo of Kidman looking exaggeratedly shocked. Some are saying this was her reaction to the infamous slap, but in truth, this photo comes from a different part of the ceremony.

It was, however, quickly used as a way to joke about the Will Smith moment.

As is the way with the internet, however, the image started being used in an entirely different way.

I wonder what the next Oscars meme will be. Fingers crossed Kidman can have a few years off, considering she’s been the focus twice now.  

For more information on the events surrounding the Chris Rock / Will Smith Oscars drama, don’t worry: we’ve got you covered.

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