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The Rich Kids Of Instagram Are Back (Sadly); This Time From Dubai

Really?… Really?

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Hey! Remember those rich young kids on Instagram that like to rub in how much better their life is than yours? Well, now they’re living it up in Dubai. How wonderful!

“Rich Kids Of Instagram” is an account that showcases the lives of people that are younger than you, probably significantly less hardworking than you, and yes, far more wealthy than you. They post images of people hanging out with their boats, planes, beautiful homes, luxury cars, etc. Now they’ve taken it to Dubai, one of the most extravagant cities on the globe. Take a look, but make sure to hit the bottom so you can see what these kids don’t have.

Ciao Bella ❤ @bellahadid #richkidsofdubai #richkids #richkidsofinstagram #mydubai #luxury #thegoodlife #thefablife #thedream

A post shared by Rich Kids of Dubai (@richkidsofdubai) on Apr 18, 2017 at 12:06pm PDT

#boss @karleusastar #richkidsofdubai #richkids #mydubai #luxury #thegoodlife #thefablife #thedream

A post shared by Rich Kids of Dubai (@richkidsofdubai) on Sep 9, 2016 at 6:04am PDT @jumeirahzs #richkidsofdubai #richkids #thegoodlife #thefablife #thedream #mydubai #dubai #luxury

A post shared by Rich Kids of Dubai (@richkidsofdubai) on Aug 16, 2016 at 3:35am PDT

The lovely part about all of this is the impressively diminutive sense of responsibility these kids have in their lives. It makes you wonder about their level of knowledge of problems like car payments, rent, or getting a meal on the table. If you see these kids on Instagram and it strikes a cord with you, fine, I feel you. Trust me. However, keep in mind that you probably have more of an ability to recognize and appreciate the things in life that are significantly smaller than yachts, private planes, and McMansions. By this, I mean the important things; the tiny everyday things (whatever they may be) that are different for everyone and help us slow down. So next time you scroll by these guys on your feed, laugh it off, and remember that you’re truly wealthier than they are on the greater scale of life.

If you want a sneak peak on Quentin Tarantino’s new script about Charles Manson, click here.

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