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German Supermarket Takes Stand Against Racism By Clearing Their Aisles

If only the whole work was as woke as this German supermarket.

If only the whole work was as woke as this German supermarket.

In a world filled with racism and injustices, this supermarket sacrifices much of its business for a day to make a very meaningful statement.

The Edeka supermarket found in Hamburg, Germany decided to make a powerful presentation against a problem many people in the world are to familiar with: racism. The supermarket decided to remove any and all foreign products for a day in order to display the importance outside sources have on their country.

Around the store were signs that read “this shelf is quite boring without variety’ as well as “our selection knows borders today”.

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The statement was not just creatively done, but also extremely important in today’s world. Like much of the world, Germany is plagued by a lot of racial tension, especially xenophobia. This artistic show is exactly the type of conversation starter that not only Germany needs to see but the entire world.

In a statement by a spokesperson for Edeka they say,

“Edeka stands for diversity, and we produce a wide range of food in our assortment, which is produced in the different regions of Germany.

But it is together with products from other countries that we create the unique diversity that our customers value.

We are delighted to have received a lot of positive feedback regarding Saturday’s action.”

Bravo to the company for coming up with this fantastic statement. I truly hope the world can learn from this German supermarket (something I never thought i’d say).

If this has peaked your interest in solving racial issues, check out the trailer for TruTV’s “The Problem with Apu”. 

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