It might be an understatement that everyone around the world has struggled through lockdowns and quarantines due to the COVID 19 outbreak. Yet every day we are reminded just how smart, funny and creative so many around us are. We see families creating memories on TikTok and friends and teachers staying in touch with Zoom meetups. And there has been so much amazing music and beautiful art creations being shared as well!
One such beautiful creation was shared by Ruairi O Leochain who created a fully functioning beehive out of LEGO bricks! Honey bees are susceptible to Colony Collapse Disorder, which is the term giving when the worker bees leave the queen and the immature bees behind. There are many theories about why this happens, but there is still no scientific reason why. The need to protect and conserve was at the forefront of O Loecháin’s mind when creating his LEGO beehive.
According to an interview with Westmeath Independent, O Loecháin said that:
“I had the idea before Covid-19, so when that happened I thought I would order a load of lego and see what happens with it. I’ve been making it bit-by-bit over the last eight weeks or so. I shared the video with some beekeeping groups online and I’ve had a lot of people messaging me asking if I have any plans (for how to make one), because they’d like to try it as well.”
Westmeath Independent, “Athlone man’s beehive made out of lego!”
All the honey that O Loecháin collects from his Irish black bees will be sold and the money donated to Athlone’s Wildlife Apiaries. Additionally, he has setup a Go Fund Me where he has pledged an individual donation of €5000 worth of beekeeping equipment, hives and bees.
Much like we all aim to protect our vulnerable populations from COVID, we must also remember that there are vulnerable populations within the animal world that need protecting, too. So what do you think of the LEGO beehive? Do you want an instruction booklet to create your own beehive? Let us know in the comments below and as always: stay safe, stay home and don’t forget to wash your hands!
Featured image via Pexels | Timothy Paule II