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Ah, good old Kanye (or ‘Ye’, whichever you prefer), always blessing (plaguing?) our timelines with some weird, controversial sh*t.
So, we all know Kanye is an avid Trump supporter, right? Which you know, has never made that much sense, but everyone’s entitled to their own opinion I guess. We also know Kanye is a um, ‘fashion designer’. Yes I’m talking about those homeless-chic clothes he puts out on runways.
Well, Ye’s latest political stunt involves a merging of these two things. A pro-Trump, anti-Democratic clothing range. No, I’m not kidding.
What’s worse is the range’s slogan. Blexit. Blexit. Sounds like that weird noise you make when you sneeze and cough at the same time.
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Blexit, should you wish to know, is a movement founded by pro-Trump supporter Candece Owens. It stands for ‘Black Exit’, the aim being to encourage young black voters to vote Republican instead of Democrat. It’s almost laughable, I’m sure young black voters are queuing up to be part of this movement.
Kanye was certainly quick to jump on this latest baffling bandwagon. I honestly don’t know what’s worse, Brexit or Blexit.
For more in the wacky world of Kanye, find out how he’s going to be the man to end chaos in North Korea.