Amazon Prime Video’s Riches is a British drama television series that made its debut in the United States on 2 December 2022. The show focuses on Stephen Richards. It was created by Abby Ajayi and was directed by her along with Darcia Martin and Sebastian Thiel.
Ajayi is the writer behind the popular series, How To Get Away With Murder. She shared her opinion of the Richards family and said her experience with them was thrilling. An entrepreneurial patriarch also leads this fictional family. This six-episode series will be released in the U.K. on 22 December 2022.
Stephen Richards is a self-made man who has built a cosmetics empire and become a strong advocate for Black-owned businesses. The plot moves as after having a heart attack, his family, as well as his company, take a huge hit. With his health declining, family secrets are revealed, and his children are affected.
The director and head of content licensing in the U.S. for Amazon Prime Video said that Abby Ajayi had worked hard to create a stylish and aspirational drama about a family at war with itself. We will see a glimpse of succession in the series as it is based on financial Crises.
The show stars Hugh Quarshie as Stephen Richards. Quarshie has been part of the industry since 1980, and some of his memorable roles include Highlander, Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace, Doctor Who and many more.
Along with him, we also see Deborah Ayorinde, Sarah Niles, Brendan Coyle, Hermione Norris, Adeyinka Akinrinade, Ola Orebiyi, C.J. Beckford, Nneka Okoye, and Emmanuel Imani on the screen. The show is filmed in New York.