‘Good Business’, directed by Ray Sullivan and based on a comic by Simon Roy, sees a group of bug-like aliens negotiating with a pair of humans over the purchase of some kick-ass hand cannons. It’s just about four minutes in length, and it’s worth your time if you’re a sucker for both minor distractions and science fiction.
“We are at war with these.. things already. They just don’t know it yet.”
Sullivan’s 5-minute short film is an overall impressive display of VFX, with the portrayal of his alien-like bug creatures wielding AR’s looking so good it falls into the more believable side of Sci-Fi fantasy.
With the anxiety-inducing cliffhanger ending, it seems that there will be more of these shorts to come.
Short films are a great way to introduce alternate realities and provide audiences with some really mind-bending concepts that defy normal reality – like this short from Oats Studios entitled Vol. 1 God: Serengeti.