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TV & Film

Top 10 Netflix Hacks You Should Be Using

Learn some handy hacks for your next Netflix session.

Coronavirus and working from home have undeniably increased the number of hours that we spend watching Netflix. According to the BBC, Netflix saw almost double the number of accounts created in the first three months of this year. With nearly 16 million new account holders, and increased time that people are spending indoors Netflix has been reaping in huge benefits from the pandemic.

If you are going to increase your time on Netflix, why not make it the best experience possible with these top 10 hacks. 

Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash

1. Download Movies and TV Shows to Watch Offline

On the mobile app, there is a great way to have all of your favourite movies and TV shows with you when you are travelling or on the go without having to use cellular data or spotty wifi. This is a perfect feature for anyone who can’t bear the thought of having to sift through the boring or incomplete movie and tv series on aeroplanes or needs to know what happens in the next episode immediately.  There is limited space on your phone however, so use this feature wisely!

2. Try Netflix Roulette if You Can’t Decide What to Watch

Since most of us have more time to spend on Netflix, the algorithms that are tailored to the account that suggests things to watch aren’t cutting it and we fall into the problem of having too much choice. Instead of wasting 15 minutes on searching for something to watch, why not try Netflix Roulette. The website allows you to choose what IMBd rating and Genre you might like to watch and saves you the endless scroll through the home screen by choosing one for you at random!

3. Quarantining or Separated From Your Friends? Netflix Party is Here For You!

Another great feature that so many have been utilising this pandemic is the Netflix Party Google Chrome Extension. With this free extension, you can have a socially distanced and safe virtual movie night! As long as your fellow movie bingers have the extension installed, all you need to do is send them a link to start your ‘party’ and there is a chatroom feature so that you can talk while you watch—the closest thing to being in the room with them for some of us.

4. Add the IMDb Rankings and Trailer Links 

If you are a film fanatic, it is worth installing this Enhancer Extension on Google Chrome to instantly view the ratings and official movie trailers of the content available on Netflix. Never make a mistake of watching a poorly rated movie again!

5. Delete Your History to Save Any Embarrassment

Sometimes we don’t need everyone to know that you have watched every episode of Tiger King and binged the entire season of a show you were meant to be watching with a friend. To save any embarrassment or you want to change the suggestion algorithm you can delete things off your history following this link

Credit: Pikrepo

6. Learn Essential Keyboard Shortcuts

If you’re feeling especially lazy or just want to get on with whatever you are watching as soon as possible you can save yourself some time by using these keyboard shortcuts.

Some basic ones include pressing ‘F’ for full screen, ‘M’ for mute and a couple of others to make your watch party seamless. 

7. Neck Hurting From Watching in Bed? Flip Your Screen!

Every now and then the perfect place to finish off your day with a Netflix session inevitably is your bed. That can lead you to wake up with a bit of a stiff neck the next day, and many of us try and combat this by flipping our laptops or tablets to the side. Now there is another handy chrome function that does this for you! Netflix Flip allows you to flip your screen 90 degrees to provide the most comfortable experience. 

8. Can’t Find What Your Favourite Show/Movie? Request it!

When you can’t find your favourite movie or show on Netflix it can be frustrating, but you can always request for it to be added via this website. Netflix is constantly reviewing people’s requests and data about the popularity of different shows and it is possible if enough people also want to see what you want, it will get added!

9. Tired of Everyone Using Your Account? Lock Them Out!

Sometimes people are piggy-backing onto your account for too long. Kick off anyone that you would rather not pay for their account and access to unlimited watching time by signing out of your devices and changing your password. 

10. Sign-up to Be a Netflix Interface Tester

If you want to be a Netflix guinea pig and try and new features before anyone else, you can volunteer to do so by requesting on your account. Follow this link to find out more about becoming a test participant. 

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