Several contestants live in the same apartment building for a few weeks in The Circle, a popular competition reality series on Netflix. They do not get to meet in person until the game allows. Instead, they play via social media, rating one another to see who stays and who gets blocked. The prize is a huge cash prize!
If you’re interested in learning more about Raven, keep reading!
Age of Raven Sutton
Right now we don’t know Raven’s birthday but she is 26 and she is from Maryland.
Raven Sutton’s Instagram
Raven is an established advocate, and deaf performer, so she already has a solid social media following on Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok. She has close to 50k followers on her Instagram, which will likely increase once people see her in action on the show. If you want to follow Raven then you can follow her @bluejay19xx.
Raven Sutton’s TikTok
Raven’s mix of hilarious, relatable, and informative content has earned her over 1 million likes on TikTok. @bluejay19xx.
For those on Twitter, you can also follow Raven there at the same handle.
The job of Raven Sutton
As mentioned above, Raven is a social worker and dedicated disability advocate, and performer who spends her free time advocating for the deaf community.
Season 5 of The Circle premieres on Dec. 28.