Spy Classroom, also known as Spy Room, is a Japanese light series of novels about the sole survivor of the spy team Inferno, Klaus, who decides to create a group specializing in “Impossible Missions.” Klaus embarks upon this journey with seven girls who have to be trained in a month to employ every possible trick and get a chance of surviving.
The novels were written by Takemachi and published by Fujimi Shobo on January 18, 2020. This adventure animated series will debut at Feel studios on January 5, 2023. It is directed by Keiichiro Kawaguchi and scripted by Shinichi Inotsume. The show is licensed by Sentai Filmworks and will stream on Tokyo MX, KBS Kyoto, AT-X, and other networks.
The show stars the voices of the following artists;
Klaus (boss of Lamplight and the self-proclaimed most remarkable spy and the group’s teacher) by Yūichirō Umehara.
Lily, also known as Flower Garden by Sora Amamiya.
Grete, also known as Dearest Daughter by Miku Itō.
Sibylla, also known as Pandemonium by Nao Tōyama.
Monika, also known as Glint by Aoi Yūki.
Thea, also known as Dreamspeaker by Sumire Uesaka.
Sara, also known as Meadow by Ayane Sakura.
Annette, also known as Forgetter by Tomori Kusunoki.
The novels were well-liked by the readers, and Rebecca Silverman praised the plot and characters, claiming them to be fun and exciting. The books have also been turned into a manga illustrated by Kaname Seu on May 27, 2020.