Sister Wives is an ongoing American reality television show that documents the life of a polygamist family. The show features Kody Brown, his wife Robyn, the ex-wives, and their 18 children. Brown believes that since he is only married to one (Robyn), he can live happily with his ex-wives, with whom he is connected spiritually.
The show is said to be a refreshing plot and has been second in ad-supported cable network shows during its timeslot. Brown also filed a legal case in the United States federal courts to support polygamy.
The eighteen children of the family are Logan, Aspyn, Mariah, Madison, Mykelti, Hunter, Paedon, Garrison, Dayton, Gabriel, Gwendolyn, Aurora, Ysabel, Breanna, Savanah, Truely, Solomon, and Ariella.
The show made its debut on TLC on September 26, 2010, and has released 16 seasons. The seventeenth season was released on September 11, 2022, and has aired sixteenth episodes. The upcoming episode is scheduled to be released on January 8, 2023, on TLC at 10:00 pm ET & 9:00 pm CT. The show is also available to binge-watch on Apple TV (in Canada, Australia, and the UK).
In this episode, we can expect to see the interview in which Robyn will continue talking about how she is being left of the family by the other wives and how she never had the chance to be a real family. We will also get to see the reason behind Kody’s meltdown on television and the insights of the family on the situation.