She & Her Perfect Husband is a Chinese television drama series that made its debut on November 14, 2022, and is scheduled to conclude on December 14, 2022. The episode is set to be released on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. It is directed by Lin Yan and written by Zhu Li, and it will include aspects of law and romance in its plotline.
The show has released 18 episodes; the last was released on November 24, 2022.
The show revolves around Lawyer Qin Shi, an observant and goal-oriented personality. It begins with The top law firm, Cheng and Hui, calling up lawyers specializing in family matters, and one of them mandates the necessity to be wedded. The situation occurs because of her brother, who alters Qin Shi’s marital status to “married” without her consent, thus initiating a fictitious spouse for her out of nowhere.
Before clarifying the situation, her “husband,” Yang Hua, materializes. His mother compels him to arrive for a matchmaking session with Qin Shi’s adversary. Feeling infuriated about his mother’s aggressive efforts, he has no option but to look for the aid of Qin Shi.
The chemistry between the two forces them to collaborate as they both seem to be at the beneficial end of the deal. Unfortunately, both their parents smelled something immoral about the position. The plot thickens with the appearance of Qin Shi’s ex-boyfriend, who unexpectedly allies with the law firm.
The show’s upcoming episodes, i.e., episodes 19 and 20, are scheduled to be broadcasted on November 28, 2022.