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Rick and Morty is the beloved animated Adult Swim show that has made its way from small cult following to huge pop culture sensation. With the recent ending of the third season, fans have been left hanging following endless negotiations over the show’s renewal. The R&M fandom can finally rejoice, however, because production is now underway for season four!
Not only has the show been renewed for another season, but there will be 70 new episodes of Rick and Morty coming to TV screens. Season three was an insane twist of complicated storylines (including riots over McDonald’s Szechuan sauce), which only seemed to boost the show’s popularity.
Dan Harmon and Justin Roiland – the show’s creators – have just let everyone know that they are back in business. The two men recently posted a video that gives a peek into their daily lives as creative thinkers. In the video, the men are showing how they went about making the season three finale: “The Rickchurian Mortydate”. A team of screenwriters and producers brainstorm ideas off one another as they work their way through the episode’s storyline. The job seems quite fun honestly.
If you get nothing else from this video, at least you get to see the process by which an animated TV show is made.
Also, we must point out that this room seems fairly homogenous…a bunch of white, forty-year old males. Remember that it’s 2018, guys. Time for Rick and Morty to show some diversity.
Will season four be ready any time soon? Our advice is don’t hold your breath. With any luck it will be here before the holiday season!
Looking for something to fill the void in the meantime? Take a look at Australia’s version of Rick and Morty here.