My Hero Academia is an ongoing Japanese superhero manga sequence that illustrates the journey of a boy who was born without the previous quality called a Quirk but is still able to fantasize about becoming a superhero. Izuku Midoriya is surveyed by All Might, Japan’s incredible idol, who confers his Quirk on Midoriya after acknowledging his prospect, and assists in enlisting him in a prestigious high school for superheroes. The show made its debut on April 3, 2016, and is based on the manga written by Kōhei Horikoshi.
Kenji Nagasaki, Tomo Ōkubo, and Masahiro Mukai have directed this adventure superhero drama. It has released 122 + episodes yet and has received positive reviews from the Audience. The anime became famous among the Japanese fans of Charapedia, who made it the fourth-best anime series in 2017. This fandom has the most cosplayers, with 2,377,476 posts beating DC Comics.
The show has inspired films, including Two Heroes, Heroes Rising, and World Heroes’ Mission. The series has developed into light books, stage plays, and various commodities and media such as trading card games and video games.
The story of My Hero Academia is set in a globe where most of the population has attained the proficiency to formulate superpowers commonly known as “Quirks”, which are seen in kids within the age of four. Among the Quirk-enhanced people, a few achieve the designation of Heroes, who collaborate with the leaders in rescue functions and arresting criminals who manipulate their abilities.
The series’ upcoming episode was scheduled to be released earlier this week, but unfortunately, it has been delayed until the release of the 54th issue. Therefore, fans have to wait for a little as the episode is now scheduled to be released on Sunday, December 11, 2022.