Jeffrey Dahmer was one of the most infamous serial killers in America. Between 1978 and 1991, Dahmer committed multiple murders and dismemberment of young men and boys. Netflix’s Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story is based on his story, and it explores the life and horrific crimes that Dahmer committed for over a decade while going unnoticed by the police.
Dahmer met many of his victims at a gay bar called Club 219. There he used to talk, dance, and then persuade men to come back to his apartment to take pictures, hang out, and drink beers. However, Dahmer’s apartment is where many of his murders were done.
In Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story, the apartment building where Dahmer used to live and lured his victims to was called the Oxford Apartments.
The Oxford Apartments was a natural apartment complex in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The writers didn’t just make it up. Like in the Netflix series, Dahmer did stay in the Oxford Apartments. He used to live in Apartment No. 213. He used to lure his victims to that apartments, then drug, strangle, dismember, and perform sexual acts on their bodies.
A year after Dahmer was caught and arrested in 1991, the Oxford Apartments were torn down in November 1992. The place has been an empty lot surrounded by a fence overgrown with grass.
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