Aldatmak is one the most discussed Turkish television series on the ATV. It is produced by TIMS&B Productions, Timur Savcı, and Burak Sağyaşar. The show made its debut on Thursday, September 22, 2022. It is directed by Murat Saraçoğlu and scripted by the master writer Yıldız Tunç.
The plotline attracted attention with its serial and succeeded in generating excitement for its release.
The show will follow a prominent family court judge who is fond of her home but alien and rigid at times. She is also seen retaining her power in the courthouse and at residence. Tarik, on the other hand, who weds our main lead, thinks that he knows the proper way and does not make any submissions to his household in any manner. She has a perspective that since she has voluntarily made remarkable sacrifices for her family for years, she has it coming to be the judge of her family. Behind all this attitude, she has a fondness for her family and kids.
The plot thickens when Guzide discovers her husband’s love infidelity, and she instantly agrees to cease marriage. She is very intense and respectable, and she believes she should not stand for the fact that she has earned that perspective.
There are two more characters in the show named Oylum and Ozan. Oylum is a triumphant learner who goes to medical school, while Ozan labors at a company as a civil engineer. Guzide, despite being proud of her children, knows nothing about them.
The show has released ten episodes, and the upcoming episode is scheduled to be released on December 1, 2022.