Pedro Pascal, known for his roles in “The Mandalorian” and “The Last of Us,” has garnered a devoted following on the internet. With his portrayal of protective characters like the Mandalorian and Joel, he has captivated audiences and become a favorite subject of social media’s affection.
Pascal has often been referred to as “daddy” by his fans, a nickname that has gained popularity online. When asked about his thoughts on the nickname in a recent interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Pascal acknowledged the association with his role as a paternal figure. He mentioned that both the Mandalorian and Joel characters are caretakers of children in their respective stories, and the “daddy” label seems to stem from those roles.
While Pascal humorously addressed the nickname, he made it clear that he understands its connection to his characters and the fans’ enthusiasm. However, he clarified that he is not an actual “daddy” and playfully looked into the camera to emphasize the point.
Pascal also light-heartedly joked about his recurring roles as a caretaker of cargo, referring to his characters’ responsibilities in protecting and transporting others. He dispelled the notion that he spends a significant amount of time inside the Mandalorian suit, revealing that it is not as extensive as some may think.
Overall, Pascal seems to embrace the playful nature of the “daddy” nickname while acknowledging its connection to his roles. He appreciates the enthusiasm of his fans and continues to delight audiences with his performances on screen.