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WATCH: Golfer Attempts to Hit Ball on Frozen Pond…Immediately Regrets it!


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A not-so-smart golfer with a death wish tries to hit his ball not on the ideal green grass covered golf course, but on a frozen pond. It was only ever really going to go one way…

There’s no reason why anyone should give up their hobbies just due to a bit of cold weather in the winter time. Clearly, golf is no exception to this guy. There’s less people around, all you have to do is put on a couple of extra layers, so why not?

On the other hand, whether the decision to play golf on a frozen pond is entirely practical, well, that’s another story. But hey, life’s about taking risks.

Watch the incredibly majestic video here (and I dare you to try not to laugh):

Firstly, the guy misses the golf ball by a mile. He then proceeds to slip over head-first, and fall through the ice. Then we see him submerged in the freezing water and seemingly trapped underneath the ice. Not having a great day, is he?

We are 99% the guy is fine and managed not to die of hypothermia following this video. But damn, that must have been a little bit nippy in there. The slo-mo replay of the whole thing shows us in perfect detail, the extent of this guy’s stupidity, and consequently, the severity of his dramatic downfall.

Digital Copywriter, Journalist, and Multimedia Content Executive.

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