I’m sure even these experienced base jumpers were a bit nervous about this one.
2 daring base jumpers found a European antenna they wanted to climb. Except this was a massively tall one, reaching up to 160 meters in the sky. Whereas I would simply walk away and never imagine myself climbing up (as most sane people would probably do), these 2 decided to go up and base jump off.
Luckily for them, they seem to be experienced base jumpers and made it down safely. Even luckier for us they filmed this death-defying extravaganza.
This is one of those rare videos that actually gave me anxiety. Not as much when the first dude jumps, but the go pro/1st person view point of the second guy falling all the way down was a bit terrifying to imagine. Good for these guys to go after the thrills they love and being able to capture such a crazy moment for others to see.
If you”re in the mood for more terrifying base jump incidents check out this guy narrowly avoid death!