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Try Not To Flip When You Watch This

Watch if you dare.

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There are many people out there who are afraid of heights. Even more people cannot do a backflip. What do these two things have in common, you ask? Simply watch this guy do a flip on the edge of a cliff, and you’ll see what we mean. Try not to get queasy.

While we’re not sure who this beyond talented (and insanely daredevil-ish) man is, he sure knows how to make us want to look away – but also not.


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What a flippin good weekend… here’s to Monday ? via @nato_fsu #randomradness #shockmansion

A post shared by SHOCK MANSION (@shockmansion) on Nov 25, 2018 at 11:24am PST

At first we thought this was going to be a trick. Or a green screen. Or hidden cables. No one would actually be crazy – not to mention confident – enough to flip backwards two centimeters from a cliff-edge, right? Wrong. Cheers to this flippin’ dude for defying gravity, death…and common sense.

And in other news of people who love to test fate, watch this extreme cliff jumper get a little too comfortable with free-falling hundreds of feet. 

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