Many people have heard of saturation diving but most do not know what it is. Sat diving is a specialized technique in which divers train to reduce the risk of decompression sickness. Warning: this is not for the claustrophobic.
Decompression sickness or “the bends” can be fatal to divers. Sat divers must live under water for extended periods of time in order to train their bodies to avoid decompression. During their time underwater – about 28 days – divers live and work in a pressurized environment. The divers remain hundreds of feet below the surface living in a chamber the size of a king bed. They work on oil pipelines and other machinery.
If you don’t freak out in small spaces and actually enjoy being underwater for extended periods of time, this may be the career for you. Sat divers can earn up to $1,400 in just one day. Multiply this by just one 28-day diving run, and you’ll already have enough to cover the cost of training with plenty left over. Might just be worth it!
Take a look at the fascinating video below to see saturation divers in action and learn just what goes into getting a certification.
Need more captivating diving videos in your life? Watch this French free-diver break a record in the worlds deepest pool – 131 feet!