Daredevil climber Adam Lockwood scaled the tallest building in the UK, reaching the 310m summit of The Shard in the early hours of Sunday, the 4th of September. Reaching out to followers, he looked thrilled as he posted his achievement. He was arrested and is now in police custody.
Metropolitan Police were called to The Shard at 5:38 am on Sunday. Three men, one of which later was named Lockwood, were arrested on suspicion of trespass and suspicion of causing a public nuisance.
It has been confirmed, via Lockwood’s Instagram story, that he will remain held in a London prison until his court date on the 13th of September.
The adventurous climber completed his challenge before his arrest with a proud selfie at the top of the building.
Lockwood surprised a couple on a birthday trip to The Shard waving through the window during his climb. Paul Curphey spotted Lockwood from his bed.
It was scary to see, but his happy demenour was amazingly uplifitng
Paul Curphey. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/global/2022/sep/04/amazingly-uplifting-barefoot-climber-greets-couple-through-40th-floor-window-of-shard
Lockwood’s Last Video before the Stunt: “Update.“
On the day of the climb, Lockwood posted a video on his YouTube telling his enthusiastic and supportive followers of his plans. Taking on the profile of ‘Nuisance,’ he has 26.9k on Instagram and 13.4k on YouTube. Lockwood shares his crazy climbs from the Burj Kahlifa, Dubai, to a crane in La Defense, France. He has an abundance of followers. Even the company GoPro regularly comments messages such as “living life on the edge.”
Within the video, Lockwood said, “I’m more than likely to go to prison tomorrow… they want me in prison, they want me in prison.”
Talking openly, Lockwood spoke about the Civil Injunction Order; he got 3-years ago due to his climbing.
Lockwood explained his upcoming climb saying, “I’m going to do it for a good cause. It signifies me taking the L, calling it quits, and basically saying alright, I’ll leave this country alone now.”
Interview with George King: The ‘Shard Climber‘
George King climbed the Shard in July 2019. He was detained by the police and has a large social media following under the Instagram handle “Shard Climber.”
King publicly commented on Lockwood’s Shard Selfie;
“Incredible. Those moments you have experienced are yours for all time. No judge. No policeman. No Lawyer can take that a way from you. Cherish them forever. Lots of Love. Well Done.”
I reached out to King and asked him a few questions about his free climbing experience and what he thinks about Lockwood’s stunt.
Why do you believe free climbing is rewarding?
It’s very rewarding mainly because when you do that you are essentially putting your life on the line and when you survive it you have your life back again. (Laughs) That’s as about rewarding as it gets really.
In your own experience, what makes free climbing, especially at this level, so appealing and fulfilling?
It’s a hard question to answer because a lot of it is desire and you know the feelings you undertake when you’re in that kind of state would be really like describing a colour to a blind person. You can’t really describe the emotions but it grounds you to a single moment, it’s pure, it’s extremely special.
Are you a friend of Adam’s?
I am friends with Adam. I take off my hat to anyone who has the minerals to take on these kind of challenges. They’re not easy and they take a lot
Despite the legal consequences of Adam’s actions, do you think it’s worth it?
What’s worth it is always going to be completely subjective to the person and what punishment it is. In my case, with what I did, it was absolutely worth it, but that’s something you’d have to ask him!
The annual Red Bull Creepers climbing competition is something Lockwood should get involved in. Although maybe it’s not large-scale enough for him.