A trending YouTube video has broken down the probability and rate of death for most deadly animals out there. I’ll be honest, I expected sharks to be a lot higher on here.
This video, made by Reigarw Comparisons, uses simplistic info-graphics to demonstrate how many deaths are attributed to a particular animal in a year, and then compares it with the probability of the average person being killed by said animal. Interesting stuff.
For example, sharks come in towards the bottom with only “4 deaths per year”, and statistically there’s a 1 in 1,930,000,000 chance a person dies in a given year from a shark attack. That being said, it claims that every three months someone dies from a shark attack. Those are rookie numbers and, frankly, sharks need to step their game up to compete with the rest of the animal kingdom.
The most shocking winner of this competition were snails, coming in hot with an insane 20,000 deaths per year. According to this video, 1 in 380,000 people die from snail related reasons every year. Every 26 minutes someone is killed by a snail (mostly through parasites the snails carry). I don’t even know what to do with this information, but I know I’ll never looks at snails the same way again.
The ultimate winner of this competition with the highest kill-streak goes to mosquitoes. These evil little insects kill 1 in 10,600 people a year, and every 43 SECONDS someone dies from one. Again, it’s the diseases these critters carry that makes them so deadly and it really bumps their numbers up. Mosquitoes are a bane on all living creatures and should be destroyed at all costs. All this video has done is make me glad I’m still stuck indoors where nothing can hurt me. Safe and sound. No sharks, bears or snails here. But if you need help getting your mind off the inevitability of death, by animal or otherwise, maybe it’s time to buy a good bong and blaze up.
Featured Image from ShockMansion