Music is one of the best things on the planet. You can debate all you want that it isn’t, but I’d say to you that you are certifiably insane. Listening to music can adjust change your mood, and making music allows you to express yourself and let your creative juices flow.
You can make music by hitting a bunch of pots on your kitchen floor, or by playing the violin in front of thousands of people. And, on a rare occasion, you can even create music in the middle of a Japanese forest on a giant wooden xylophone.
That statement is made with some crass. Obviously the process of creating this xylophone does not come easy. But thankfully for us, we have Creative Director Morihiro Harano and his team at Mori Inc. The company was able to partner with carpenter Mitsuo Tsuda and sound engineer Kenjiro Matsuo to create a giant wooden masterpiece.
The group of creators was able to make it so that this giant wooden xylophone would recreate the song, Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring by Johaan Sebastian Bach with just the drop of a tiny wooden ball.
As Mr. Krass mentions in his tweet above, this is a fantastic piece of work. By coordinating together, people were able to make something that is beyond words. I mean seriously, how awesome is this?!? Like how did they come up with the idea of this?
In all honesty, it makes us want to get up and try and create something amazing myself. I doubt I could come close to what the team at Miro was able to accomplish. So with that being said, I may just try and stick to something simpler. Maybe I can try something like an indoor toy roller coaster.