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Blasting Vengaboys Proves That UK IS Not Under Siege

This will make you laugh.

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Terror attacks have struck at the heart of Europe again and again. It seems to be growing more prevalent over the years. Perhaps it only feels more prevalent because of the rise of the cell phone videos that document the awful things happening. But this cell phone video from the UK shows something that restores one’s faith in the human race rather than destroying it. 

One night, somewhere in the United Kingdom (Cheltenham to be precise) a car rolls down a street lined with pubs. The UK has been struck by terror attacks, as have several other European countries. The most recent being a truck plowing down pedestrians on London Bridge and in the Borough Market. Other attacks remain in the minds of not only London, but the world. Despite media claims, however, the UK is not under siege.  This particular car, as it cruises down the streets of Cheltenham, isn’t filled with malicious intent. Rather it’s filled and overflowing with the Vengaboys.

Vengaboys Like To Party

The driver continues along with drunken, joyful patrons that hop around and shout with the song “Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom” as it blasts from the car’s stereo. A horde of people confront the car as it comes to a dead end  street, and they initiate one of the most hilariously incredible dance parties the streets of Cheltenham have ever seen.

It’s things like this that keep our spirits up. Even if one hasn’t been personally affected by any of the attacks that dominant the news, being bombarded by the coverage can be exhausting. It can easily convince a person that we live in the end times. That this century is the worst century and that violence and terrorism is at its worst. Statistically, that actually isn’t true. But when first hand footage of awful things fill the internet and the news, it’s easy to thing that violence is inescapable. It’s these things, the little things, the spontaneous street dance parties to old, ridiculous 90’s songs that make it feel like humans don’t suck too much. That maybe we’re going to be okay and that we can still have fun and jump around to “Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom” in the middle of the night.

For more things that will lift your spirits, check out this upcoming Pikachu train.

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