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Watch This 17-Year-Old World Skateboarding Champion Use Two Boards at Once

Isamu Yamamoto skates better with two boards than I ever could with one.

Credit: YouTube/ISAMUism

By 17, most people are only just starting to think about their direction in life. This doesn’t usually include a career as one of the greatest skateboarders in the world. It does for Isamu Yamamoto, however, and he makes it look irritatingly easy:

My skating experience is limited to owning a pair of Vans, so the prospect of jumping around on one skateboard, let alone two, is both terrifying and seriously impressive. With over 11 million views on Twitter, it seems I’m not alone:

The video comes in the midst of a skating resurgence, with the sport being included for the first time in the 2020 Olympics. It seems many aren’t waiting until Tokyo, though – probably a smart move given current circumstances.

I’m someone who can’t do a handstand on solid ground, let alone while balancing on the edge of a skateboard. Therefore, it seems all too obvious that 17-year-old Isamu is operating on a level many couldn’t reach by 70.

That doesn’t mean he can rest easy, however, as the skating resurgence has brought fierce competition. Records are being broken by skaters as young as 11, so it seems Yamamoto’s got his work cut out. 

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