Just when you thought 2020 could not get any weirder, a Korean football team has to apologize for filling a stadium with sex dolls sporting their logos/signs.
With coronavirus restrictions being lifted around the world, life is almost returning back to normal. And this ‘normal’ means more of our everyday lives can happen, including sports.
Fans rejoice! Your sporting teams can return to training, and some teams are thrown right into matches! These matches unfortunately have empty stadiums still, but sports management is trying, and I guess re-trying, to return normality back to football with stadiums filled with fans – mannequin fans!
This cute idea is the perfect solution for social distancing and allowing the team to remain cheered on — well almost.
FC Seoul has been accused of filling the stadium with sex dolls, dressed up in merchandise and holding signs, not the mannequins they intended.
Fans were quick to notice the large breasts and nipples on mannequins, and claimed that these features aren’t normal for simple store-front mannequins.
FC Seoul released an apology, after an ‘investigation’ into the matter. They are standing by their claim that they are not sex dolls, but apologize regardless.
“We would like to apologize to the fans. We are deeply sorry about the mannequins that were seated during the May 17, 2020 match. However, we would like to clarify that while these mannequins have been made to look and feel like real humans, they are not for sexual use – as confirmed by the manufacturer.” Via the Instagram statement by FC Seoul
And they go further to try and cover their ass by giving the name of the mannequin suppliers – Dalcom, if anybody is in need of cheering up – but I’m just wondering what the bid deal is?
So what they used sex dolls as mannequins? Maybe the team wanted to stare at something entertaining during the match! I mean, hey! An unused sex doll cheering for a South Korean football team isn’t the weirdest thing to happen in 2020.
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