More than 100 people have been cryogenically frozen and are now awaiting their resurrection.
The Alcor Life Extension Foundation, found just outside the luxury suburbs of Phoenix, have frozen 146 people at the time of their death. The freezing of bodies is supposed to stop decay so they can be preserved to the time life is no longer there.
Alcor Life Extensions Foundation’s website has this to say about the process:
‘Cryonics is the practice of preserving life by pausing the dying process using subfreezing temperatures with the intent of restoring good health with medical technology in the future‘
The theory behind this suggests that in the future, upon the advancement of technology and science, these people will be successfully brought back to the land of the living.
The process costs about $200,000, so obviously this is definitely for the wealthy who have enough ongoing financial support to stay frozen.
James Bedford, a World War I veteran, is among these frozen people. For about eight months of the year, the exterior environment of these facilities can reach up to 100 F.
While there are many advancements in science everyday, like the defrosting of a rabbit brain much like how it is planned for the cryogenic people, the success of this working on people is still years away.
Research showed that the only the circuitry of the brain was preserved but the organ as a whole was nonfunctional.
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