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The rumors about The Rock running for President in the 2020 election have been floating around for months following Donald Trump’s miraculous win, and they’ve been taken one step closer to reality after a fan revealed that he had registered a ‘Run The Rock 2020’ campaign with the American government’s election body.
We knew this would happen.
After the election of President Donald J. Trump, there’s no doubt that celebrities and those in the media limelight now feel encouraged to run for public office. Across the country, many celebrities and fans have spoken out about who they’d love to see campaign for President, and Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson has already got countless passionate lifetime fans who are willing to help ‘Run The Rock’ in a 2020 campaign.
This man, Kent Tilford of Wheeling, West Virginia (pictured below) is one of the many passionate life-long Rock fans who are dying to see their hero take a run for the Presidency. Tiflord, after hearing in May that the Rock was in fact considering a Presidential campaign, filed forms with the Federal Electoral Commission, and hopes that he can be the straw that breaks the camel’s back and propel The Rock forward into Presidential candidacy.
I’m just a private citizen unaffiliated with Mr. Johnson, but I’ve talked to many who believe he can deliver the leadership America needs.
While there has been significant discussion of the possibility of The Rock running for President, there is currently no avenue for supporters to channel their energies and get Mr. Johnson to notice the groundswell of support he has in the grassroots.
Well Mr. Johnson, I think we’ve found your new campaign manager.
Mr. Kent Tilford and his adorable pup have a point though, the groundswell of support The Rock has in the grassroots can be something that gets him on the Presidential ballot. Think of all the life-long football and/or wrestling fans who grew up idolizing The Rock. Football and Wrestling are each two huge markets in the U.S. whose die-hard fan bases are more than passionate. You have to think that by now, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, in all his endeavors, whether it’s starring in action movies, playing football at the University of Miami, and of course being the super-star of the WWE, is nothing less than an American icon.
The dude is absolutely hilarious too. Him and Kevin Hart actually made a song about Leo getting “f*cked by that bear” in The Revenant.