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Literal And Figurative Shots Fired At British Politician

British soldiers under fire after firing at Jeremy Corbyn.

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British politician Jeremy Corbyn has had his name in the news lately — but not for the reasons you may think. A video has surfaced of British soldiers at a firing range, shooting a cardboard cutout of Corbyn’s face.

The soldiers often times simulate protecting VIPs at shooting ranges with these cardboard cutouts. These soldiers seem to have taken their own spin on this particular drill.

No matter how you feel about a certain politician — or any human being for that matter — I’m not sure how morally correct it is to shoot a picture of somebody — with real guns.

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Don’t even make the argument that this is no different than a game of Grand Theft Auto or something of the sorts. There is a major difference between playing a video game and using real guns to shoot a picture of a real person.

Let’s not leave out the fact that this video captured on Snapchat was captioned, “Happy with that”.

I’m not entirely sure what the punishment will be here. Let’s just leave it at, I’m happy I’m not them right now.

For more news on what’s going on across the pond, check out Public Transport Will Now Be Free In Luxembourg

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