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Logan Paul at it again with his “interesting” sense of humor…
Logan Paul is a well known youtuber that makes about $14.5 million with his crazy and controversial Youtube videos. Not only does he have a large fanbase but a loyal one too.
Logan Paul is a well-known YouTuber that makes about $14.5 million with his crazy and controversial Youtube videos. Not only does he have a large fanbase but a loyal one too.
During his interview on Fox News, Logan was spouting out different topics after one another. He started off by explaining his videos to not uploading them on Facebook to talking about controversy to his podcast being the top in the world to being the fastest guy in the world. I wish I wasn’t making this up.
Some of my favorite parts was when he referenced himself as a “ghost” after saying he’s “everywhere, but also nowhere” and suddenly talking about having pink eye in the middle of his sentence.
The interviewee was trying hard not to laugh or keep the conversation going when there would be long pauses of absolutely nothingness. Although it was a little painful to watch, it’s definitely worth watching, so check it out here!