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African Countries Bite Back After Trump’s “Shithole” Comments

What else can you expect from the chaos-causing president?

Credit: Joseph Sohm/Shutterstock

African countries, appalled by Donald Trump’s statements about Haiti and African countries being “shitholes”, are responding with statements dripping with disappointment.

As Trump’s statements only continue to get more vulgar, so does the list of people who are publicly condemning him as a racist. Most of the comments suggest that he does not have a good understanding of the history of the country he is running, especially the chapter on history.

Spokeswoman Ebba Kalondo said:

“Given the historical reality of how many Americans arrived in the United States as slaves, this statement flies in the face of all accepted behavior and practice. This is particularly surprising as the United States of America remains a global example of how migration gave birth to a nation built on strong values of diversity and opportunity.”

The African Union reacted to Trump’s comments, saying they were “frankly alarmed” by them.

The comments were deemed “extremely offensive” by South Africa’s ruling African National Congress.

Deputy Secretary-General Jess Duarte claimed that his country would never “make comments as derogatory” towards the United States, despite the fact that millions of Americans still are out of work and living without healthcare.

Many African media outlets as well as the general public were not as forgiving with their words toward Trump.

Wangui Muraguri, a Kenyan entrepreneur, said, “Well, that is the perfect definition of racism. That is all I have to say.”

Here’s what the UN had to say about it:

Daily Maverick, a South African media outlet, said: “Causal Friday at the White House is soon to include hoods and tiki torches at this rate.”

Trump is a repeat offender of making such negative comments about Africa. Here’s what he tweeted back in 2013:

“Every penny of the 7 billion dollars going to Africa as per Obama will be stolen–corruption is rampant!”

To this day, Trump has left eight ambassadorial positions vacant; countries such as South Africa, Egypt, Congo, and Somalia are among them.

Sylvester Odion Akhaine, an associate professor of international relations at Lagos State University expressed:

“He has not only insulted Africans, he has also insulted African-Americans. Internationally, such language will deepen the isolation of the United States, a country already losing its global prestige.”

With all that said, join the ranks of people who are outraged by Trump and check out: North Korea Officially Done With Trump!

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