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Trump’s Single Greatest Fear Has Been Revealed (No, It’s Not Low Approval Ratings): It’s Sharks

I wonder how he feels about “Jaws”.

Credit: a katz/Shutterstock

Whadya know, the United States’ fearless leader who will one day carry us into a series of victories so great that we will grow weary of the high number of W’s in the win column, is in fact afraid of sharks (yeah, everyone is, so what?).

Apparently, this fact is so comical to some people who have such a deep hatred for the Trumpmeiser, they have begun donating their measly dollars to causes in favor of shark conservation. Here’s how The Donald feels about those pesky underwater bloodhounds:

For a man who has previously claimed to know all the best words, he does not seem to have too many when it comes to the finned predators of the deep blue.

He has, however, shown a little mercy toward the species whose existence made the hit movie “Sharknado” possible, ranking them just above the “haters and the losers.”

Much of these shark-phobia revelations have indirectly surfaced from the detailed account of an allegation made that Trump had an affair with porn star, Stormy Daniels. Here is Stormy’s Trump shark story.

You would think that he would regard sharks as his spirit animal, given that he was such a shark in the business world; any obstacle such as an audit from the IRS, or bankruptcy, like chum in the water.

For a little more Trump silliness, jump over to this piece about Trump erotica.

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