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You Can Now Airbnb at The Silence of The Lambs House

Stay at this creepy house from a 1991 scary movie.

YouTube/The Sisters Sold It

One of the most creepiest homes is now available to stay at on Airbnb! You can experience Buffalo Bill’s house from the scary movie The Silence of the Lambs in Pennsylvania.

Since released in 1991, the classic horror film has won many awards and fans. Well, fans can now stay at the creepy home and get an even closer experience. 

As of now, the house does not present itself as scary as it did in the film, but it is very similar to the movie’s look. Before the house was listed on Airbnb, it was on sale and sold at $298,500. The twentieth-century built home rests on 1.7 acres of land and the interior consists of four bedrooms.

While the house was listed, it was said to be ideal for Airbnb which seems to be the choice the present owner has taken. It is hoped that many tourists interested in the horror film will have an interest in staying at Buffalo Bill’s home. Besides, the house has many original features from the film such as the hardwood flooring, woodwork, light fixtures, pocket doors, fireplaces and wallpaper.

The new owner of this home with a scary reputation is Chris Rowan. He is an art director and prop stylist for films. Because of his creative background, he plans to redecorate and rebuild Buffalo Bill’s well, workshop sets and some scenes from the movie. The inspiration behind these set projects is the Academy Awards the film won.

The creepy house is planned to call Silence of the Lambs fans and will feature areas that one will want to take photos in. Gather a group and get ready for a terrifying stay! And after that, plan a stay at the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air house.

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