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Plan on Spending Time at the Beach This Summer? Read This Before You Go

Here are some tips to keep beachgoers safe.
Credit: Pixbay/Pexels

With clear blue skies and smiling sunshine, not even a global pandemic can keep people away from a perfect beach day. However, just because you choose to go to the beach doesn’t mean you have to risk getting yourself or others sick. Here are a few tips to keep yourself happy, healthy, and ready for the beach:

Location, location, location

Stay local! Public health experts strongly advise against traveling unless completely necessary. That being said, making the decision as to whether or not to visit your local beach completely depends on the COVID-19 situation in your community and the number of people that regularly use the location.

Assess health risks

Individuals with certain underlying medical conditions such as cancer, type 2 diabetes, and serious heart conditions, are naturally at a higher risk that others when it comes to COVID-19. Although you may not have any of these underlying medical conditions, also consider that you may be putting not only yourself but those you are currently in quarantine with in danger as well. Know the risks and be prepared that you may (or may not) suffer the consequences.

Mask, Surgical Mask, Virus, Protection, Coronavirus
Credit: Pixabay/coyot

Wear. A. Mask

THE most important rule to follow when leaving the house. Any time you are out in public, you should have a mask on. Obviously, you can give it rest while you’re in your car and/or driving, but it should be covering your mouth and nose immediately after you’ve stepped out of your car. If you’re not regularly wearing a mask, then you’re honestly playing with fire.

Keep your distance

No matter where you go or what you’re doing, this should be the second most important thing on your mental checklist. Always keep 6 feet apart from others, even if you’re wearing a mask. Setting up your umbrella and towels right next to another person or people is foolish, even if that’s the only spot available. Although it’s always better to be safe than sorry, if you’re willing to take the risk, then so be it.

Bring your own food

Minimize contact with other beachgoers by bringing and preparing your own drinks, food, and snacks. If you’d like to use areas typically designated for eating – such as picnic tables – make sure to bring your our wipes to wipe down the spot after you’re done out of courtesy for the next individuals who may use the same table.

Danger, Sign, Beach, Warning, Dike, Floods, Swimming
Credit: Pixabay/Jaduial

Practice general beach safety

Remember general water and sun safety! That means knowing how rough the waves are and putting on plenty of sunscreen. Avoidable injuries or illnesses are not ideal in the age of the pandemic, as unnecessary hospital visits can increase your chance of exposure to the virus.

Get tested

Finally, if you and/or a family member are concerned that you may have been infected with COVID-19 before or after visiting the beach, get tested as soon as possible. It’s up to everyone to do their part to keep beaches as safe as possible for our fellow human beings.


That wraps up our tips to keep yourself and your fellow beachgoers safe this summer. Just because your want to get away from the quarantine life and enjoy the waves and sun doesn’t mean you need to reckless. Remember these tips, stay safe, and enjoy some much-needed relaxation time. Cheers!

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